4 dangerous myths that prevent you from contacting a marriage agency

For a long time, people who were ready for a serious relationship turned to matchmakers. Now marriage agencies have taken on this role - professional organizations that select a partner for psychological compatibility, social status and many other parameters. The percentage of success in such firms is high: according to statistics, every second couple comes to marriage. Is it worth using the services of marriage agencies, what are the pros and cons of such a solution, and how to choose a reliable "matchmaker"? I'll tell you in the article.
Is marriage made in heaven?
In fact, most men and women are embarrassed to use the services of professionals. They try to get acquainted on their own, register on dating sites, but do not dare to visit the agency. In most cases, this is hindered by fears and erroneous attitudes:
Since I went to the agency, it means that I admitted my failure on the love front.
If I have to turn to specialists, something is wrong with me.
I will be laughed at by friends, colleagues and relatives.
True love happens suddenly, it cannot be planned.
Understand that such myths hinder and deprive you of happiness! For many modern people, contacting a marriage agency is a real opportunity to find their other half.
Marriage agency: pros and cons
Let's look at the reasons many men and women fail to build relationships:
Small social circle: they don't know where to meet.
There are no free people in the environment suitable for marriage (of the right age, social status, with similar interests).
Among new acquaintances, the percentage of scammers, gigolos, abusers, people with a "dark past" is high.
Maybe your Ideal Man lives in the next entrance, but you just won’t know about it - you won’t have the opportunity to “cross paths” and get to know each other, even if you are not afraid to take the initiative.
What does a marriage agency do?
It collects a base of psychologically mature people who are ready for a deep relationship. Serious firms carefully approach the selection of candidates:
Check the past for criminal records, divorces, children from previous marriages. All data must be entered into a personal file - you will not go on a date with a "pig in a poke".
The candidate is interviewed by a psychologist. Most agencies employ experienced counselors and psychotherapists who are almost impossible to deceive. You can't come in and pretend to be serious if you need a light fling - the specialist will quickly understand this. In addition, psychologists help people who have applied to open up, get rid of complexes, and increase self-esteem.
Create accurate profiles. They indicate the interests of the candidate and his wishes. The selection of potential partners is carried out on the basis of verified information. If you want your man to love hockey or knit macrame, the marriage agency will select just such a candidate.
Some agencies provide additional services: they offer to work with stylists, make a professional photo shoot. Turning to professionals, you get interesting dates with candidates who want stability, love, mutual respect from meetings - all that is described in the “Happy Married” section. Just think: no domestic tyrants and mother's sons!
But is everything so smooth?
Modern "matchmakers" have their drawbacks. For example, they cannot guarantee that you will meet your "second half". In addition, women apply to agencies more often, that is, the number of men is limited.
How to choose a marriage agency?
If you are serious and you are not faced with the question of whether to use a marriage agency, remember the main rules of choice:
Read reviews about the company. Surprisingly, a large number of positive reviews should alert: many couples do not allow information about themselves to be disclosed and do not give the green light to the publication of their happy stories. Also, a moderate amount of negative comments should not be intimidating, especially if they have a response from the agency's specialists - this means that the company values its reputation.
Look at how many years the agency has been in existence. The longer the better. The company has a large base, it is trusted, it has a high percentage of success.
Pay attention to the additional services of a marriage agency and their cost. Perhaps candidates are offered training in communication, flirting. This will be a nice bonus.
I also recommend reading an article on how to conquer and keep a man before a first date. The agency has done its job - it has selected the ideal candidate for you, the rest is up to you.
The cost of applying for a agent depends on the region, city, status and reputation of the company. Most offer multiple rates available for as many applicants as possible. Do not be afraid to turn to professionals if you are interested in building strong relationships. But don't miss out on other options.